CRY3201-S01 Free-Field Microphone Set, 1/2", 12.5mV/Pa

CRY3201-S01 Free-Field Microphone Set, 1/2", 12.5mV/Pa

CRY3201-S01 is a 1/2-inch free-field prepolarized measurement microphone and preamplifier set, specifically designed for high-frequency and high dynamic range acoustic measurements.

The unique design of CRY3201-S01 ensures a flat frequency response, with a measurement frequency range of up to 40kHz, and it can also withstand sound pressure levels of up to 144dB. It is an excellent general-purpose measurement microphone for high-definition audio measurements and other ultrasonic acoustic applications.

  • High-frequency free-field microphone set
  • TEDS microphone set
  • General purpose
  • Durable, reliable, and high-quality
CRY3201-S01 Measurement Microphone Set Typical Frequency Response

The graph (right) shows the frequency response curves for 0° incidence in a free-field environment and the frequency response curves obtained using the electrostatic excitation method.

CRY3201-S01 Measurement Microphone Set Typical Frequency Response

The graph (right) shows the frequency response curves for 0° incidence in a free-field environment and the frequency response curves obtained using the electrostatic excitation method.

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1/2 inch
High Frequency
Power Supply
Size of Preamplifier
Output Type
Sound Field
Addition Plug-in
Microphone Array
Intrinsic Safe
Test Contents
Number of Channels
IEC 61672-1:2013 Class
Size of Microphone
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